The student registration fee for CCSC:MW is $50. You can fill out this form and return it by email, fax or US mail. Payment can be made at the conference.
On the form, put $0 for pre- and post-conference workshops, $0 for extra meals, and $0 for CCSC:MW proceedings. These fees refer to the CCSC:MW conference participants only. Send $50 for student registration (or $150 for non-student) only. (These amounts include a $10 late fee.) Google is paying for your free MidWIC proceedings.
The $50 fee gives you admission to the CCSC:MW events, the Programming Contest, and all meals. If you'd like to attend any of the MidWIC events and received the MidWIC proceedings, please also complete the online registration below.
Non-students wishing to attend MidWIC should register for CCSC:MW (see here) and pay the full $150 fee. You may then attend MidWIC events for no additional charge, but please be sure to register for MidWIC below.
Google, Microsoft and ACM-W have provided funding for student scholarships. If you wish to attend MidWIC, please be sure to apply for a scholarship. Scholarships are plentiful and will be awarded on a rolling basis, so please apply early.