Reading for CIS 211

All readings are from your text: Java Software Solutions, John Lewis and William Loftus. I emphasize again that although reading about programming concepts is helpful, you must practice these concepts. Also don't waste your time memorizing syntax. Here are my recommendations for effective study:


Things from CIS 210 that you should be familiar with. These concepts are combined and used collectively to write simple programs in CIS 211.

Topic Sec. and Pages Comments
Declarations; Assignments 3.2, 79-82 and 4.3, 131-133 Absolutely fundamental
I/O 3.3, 83-89 Needed for Lab 3
Objects vs Classes 4.1, 122-125
Methods; Scope of local variables 4.4, 134-140 Read Key Concept on p. 135 once a day
Elements of a class definition 4.5, 140-143
Encapsulation 4.6, 143-147
Arrays 6.1, 208-232

Reading for New CIS 211 Concepts

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