Call for Student-Organized Panel Proposals
CICWIC will be selecting one student-organized panel to be given at the Central Indiana Celebration of Women in Computing, February 20-21, 2004 at McCormick's Creek State Park, Spencer, Indiana.
CICWIC invites proposals for a student organized panel to be given Saturday February 21 during CICWIC. The panel topic should be suited to graduate and/or undergraduate women in computing. Suggested topics include time management in graduate school, balancing career and family, navigating entry into graduate school, networking and professional social interaction in graduate school. The panel should be made up of 3-4 people and the discussion, including presentations by panel members, should last no more than one hour.
To participate, please complete a brief panel proposal that includes the information below and send it to Beth Plale,, by January 31, 2004.
- Panel organizer
- Panel title
- Number of panel members
- Panel makeup (students? faculty? industry?)
- Short description of panel topic
- Daytime phone number where panel organizer can be reached