Announcements for CIS 461/561 (Introduction to Compilers)

Michal Young has made his lecture notes available to us.
If you didn't send me a 5-digit code, I used the last 5 digits of your university ID. If I don't even know that, I made up a number.
The grades for the lexical analysis homeworks are online. I used the following guidelines in grading:
-20	Big major problem in the analysis of strings 
-10	Major problems in translating escape sequences in strings
-5	Not so minor problems in translating escape sequences in strings
-2	Minor problems in translating escape sequences in strings

-5	Problems with the basic format of the lex file

-5	Returned incorrect tokens

-5	Misc problems related to error reporting 

-5	Did not check for strings that are terminated by the end of file
-5	Did not check for comments that are terminated by the end of file

-2.5	Did not count newlines within comments
-2.5	Did not count newlines within escape sequences in strings

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