Accelerated M.S. in Secure Computing

Why secure computing?

Every company needs people with cybersecurity skills. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the job market for security professionals to grow 33 percent by 2030, and the field is among the most lucrative in IT.

Graduates of our program have been hired by a wide range of organizations, including the Amazon Web Services, AT&T, Eli Lilly, JP Morgan, Chase & Co., and KPMG.

How it works

The program is designed so that highly motivated students can earn a master’s degree in just one additional year. To do that, you’ll take at least one graduate-level course during your senior year, when you’re still classified as an undergraduate. You need to request permission from your advisor.

You’ll be classified as an undergraduate through the last semester you are enrolled in undergrad requirements. You have to complete at least 15 hours of coursework while classified as a grad student.

Undergraduate scholarships and funding

Transitioning to graduate student status may affect any undergrad scholarships or other funding you have. Make sure to check on this and plan for it.


For the semesters you are in graduate status, you will pay the same tuition and fees as other M.S. students. Learn about costs and financial aid.

When you’ll get your degrees

You’ll receive your B.S. and M.S. simultaneously after you’ve completed both degrees.

Get started

Admission requirements

  • Earn at least 12 credits in computer science (CSCI) courses for the B.S. in Computer Science
  • Change your major to the B.S./M.S. program by talking to your advisor
  • Maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in your major and program
  • Apply to the M.S. program during your senior year

We encourage you to enroll in your first graduate class before you apply, but it isn’t required for admission.

How to apply

Start by contacting your advisor, who can guide you through the process.

Apply by November 1 of your senior year.

You’ll complete the same application for admission that traditional M.S. students submit. We encourage letters of recommendation.

See the application instructions and apply

Take the next step

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